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4 Tips for Transitioning to Kapha Season

Woman squeezing lemon into hot cup of tea. Hot tea is excellent for maintaining balance in spring.

Late winter and spring are considered to be Kapha season according to Ayurveda. This is the season where there is more earth and water in our environment, which has the qualities of being heavy, cool, oily, sticky, and stagnant.

Because of these qualities, during spring season we are more prone to Kapha imbalances, including colds, sinus congestion, weight gain, water retention, and sluggishness.

Here are some best practices for the spring season to prevent Kapha accumulation:

  1. Include more bitter, pungent, and astringent foods in your diet. To counteract the heavy, cold, and damp qualities of Kapha, it’s essential to include lighter foods that are easy to digest, and spices to enhance the digestive fire. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially cooked bitter greens. Whole grains, such as quinoa and barley, and legumes are astringent in quality, which means they absorb and remove excess moisture. Spices such as ginger, turmeric, and black pepper heat up the digestive fire and “melt” excess kapha. Check out Kapha pacifying recipes here.

  2. Sip hot water and/or herbal tea throughout the day. Hot water helps to liquify kapha and open the channels of the body, which enhances  lymphatic flow, cleansing, and detoxification. This Ginger Lemon Tea is excellent for spring. Avoid cold or iced beverages, as they constrict the channels and cool off the digestive fire, further aggravating Kapha.

  3. Engage in Regular Exercise. Spring is an excellent time to get moving and invigorate the body with regular exercise. Opt for activities that are energizing and stimulating, such as brisk walks, jogging, dancing, and cardio. Exercise helps to improve circulation, boost metabolism, and prevent stagnation of Kapha. The best time to exercise is between 6am-10am, during Kapha time of day.

  4. Do an Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse. Spring is one of the best times to cleanse toxins and remove the heaviness and stagnation of winter. As the weather warms and nature begins to renew herself, the environment supports and enhances cleansing and renewal. An Ayurvedic cleanse supports will help you utilize these environmental qualities for your own detoxification and rejuvenation. Learn more about cleansing here.

By adopting these Ayurvedic practices in the spring, you can support your body's natural ability to maintain balance and vitality and prevent the accumulation of excess Kapha dosha.

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